MRI For Clinicians

When does a patient require an MRI scan?

There are a wide variety of pathologies for which an MRI scan would be of diagnostic and therapeutic value, including:

  • most ailments of the brain, including tumours and dementias
  • sports injuries
  • musculoskeletal problems
  • most spinal conditions/injuries
  • vascular abnormalities of the kidneys
  • female pelvic problems
  • ailments of the gastro-intestinal tract
  • certain ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions
  • soft tissue and bone tumours
  • and other clinical conditions as may be decided by the clinician


Which patients are unable to have an MRI scan?

Due to the powerful magnetic field of an MRI scan, certain individuals cannot be scanned. A patient must not have an MRI scan if they have:

  • a cardiac (heart) pacemaker
  • clips in the head from brain operations, ie aneurysm clips
  • a cochlear (ear) implant
  • a metallic foreign body in the patient's eye
  • a programmable shunt for hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain)
  • If you are pregnant
  • However the individual cases could be discussed with our Radiologist and a final decision taken


For more information, call
+91 85899 98691
+91 85899 98690